However, you must be aware that the nature of the care you receive is often relevant to the field being studied, so be sure to find a clinical trial that is willing to provide the type of work that you require. For $79 (or just $1.52 per week), join more than 1 million members and don't miss their upcoming stock picks. Motley Fool Stock Advisor recommendations have an average return of 618%.
Therefore, you can consider participating in a medical study in exchange for free dental care, such as a cleaning or having a wisdom tooth extracted. For example, clinical trials are often developed to test the quality of new treatment drugs, and in order to evaluate the drugs, researchers require volunteers. Many universities and organizations research specific dental conditions and treatment methods. There are many ways you can save money on dental care, including the following methods: You shouldn’t despair if you don’t have access to dental insurance and lack the money to pay out-of-pocket.

However, there are a number cost-saving measures you can attempt to save money on quality dental care. The price may be high, and you may be among the majority who lack insurance.

In addition to rising dental costs, the number of consumers with access to dental insurance decreased 5.7% from 2009 to 2010 alone, leaving only about 45% of Americans with dental insurance. The cost of dental care has consistently risen by nearly twice the average rate of inflation over the past half-century. Can’t afford a trip to the dentist? You’re not alone.